Acronym | Definition |
spr➣Spring |
spr➣Strategic Petroleum Reserve |
spr➣Sparks (Amtrak station code; Sparks, NV) |
spr➣Surface Plasmon Resonance |
spr➣Saving Private Ryan (movie) |
spr➣Specialist Registrar (UK doctor who supports a consultant) |
spr➣Society for Psychical Research |
spr➣School Psychology Review (National Association of School Psychologists) |
spr➣Suomen Punainen Risti |
spr➣Site Plan Review |
spr➣Standard Pixel Run |
spr➣Sequential Probabilistic Resource |
spr➣Screen Program |
spr➣Standard Cell Place and Route |
spr➣Shared Protection Ring |
spr➣Serial Peripheral Rate |
spr➣Systeme De Production Renault |
spr➣Sapper |
spr➣Strategic Public Relations (various organizations) |
spr➣Software Productivity Research |
spr➣Sony Pictures Releasing |
spr➣Society for Pediatric Radiology |
spr➣Schipper (Dutch) |
spr➣Swiss Poster Research |
spr➣Software Problem Report |
spr➣Subscriber Profile Repository (various companies) |
spr➣Stop Prisoner Rape |
spr➣Society for Psychophysiological Research |
spr➣Signal Processor |
spr➣State Preparedness Report (US FEMA) |
spr➣Self Paced Reading (psycholinguistics) |
spr➣Society for Psychotherapy Research (behavioral science group) |
spr➣Special Purpose Rifle |
spr➣Spill Prevention and Response (various locations) |
spr➣Small Pressurized Rover |
spr➣Sepiapterin Reductase |
spr➣Superior Peroneal Retinaculum (muscles) |
spr➣Spawning Potential Ratio (fisheries) |
spr➣Special Purpose Register |
spr➣Shortest Possible Route |
spr➣Specialist Recruiter (US Navy) |
spr➣Secure Personal Radio |
spr➣Special Price Reduction |
spr➣Surgical Pathology Report |
spr➣Six-Port Reflectometer (electrical engineering) |
spr➣Standard Progress Report (various organizations) |
spr➣Single Ply Roof (construction) |
spr➣Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition (workshop) |
spr➣Shortest Path Routing |
spr➣Southern Poetry Review (est. 1958) |
spr➣Scott Public Relations (Canoga Park, CA) |
spr➣Special Project Report |
spr➣Short Prose Reader (anthology) |
spr➣Small Particle Reagent |
spr➣System Problem Report |
spr➣Self Piercing Rivet |
spr➣Single Pedestal Right |
spr➣Single Point Registration Scheme (India) |
spr➣Special Pinch Runner (little league baseball) |
spr➣Spreading Resistance Probe (semiconductors) |
spr➣Sociedade Paulista de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem |
spr➣Service Provider Reseller |
spr➣Subpixel Rendering |
spr➣South Pacific Region (USACE) |
spr➣San Pedro, Belize - San Pedro (Airport Code) |
spr➣System Performance Report |
spr➣Single Point Refueling |
spr➣Special Petroleum Reserve |
spr➣Student-Produced Response (SAT testing) |
spr➣Sandia Pulse Reactor |
spr➣Semiconductor Process Representation |
spr➣Smart Plant Review (Intergraph) |
spr➣Sparse Point Representation |
spr➣Single Package Radio (Skyworks) |
spr➣Staatspunkrott (German band) |
spr➣Syndrome de Pierre Robin (French: Pierre Robin Syndrome) |
spr➣Sudden Pressure Relay (ABB Group; gas pressure measurement device) |
spr➣Strategic Planning Review |
spr➣Special Problem Report (US FEMA) |
spr➣Special Processing Request |
spr➣Selected Place of Residence |
spr➣State Performance Reports |
spr➣Service Prévention des Risques (French: Service Risk Prevention) |
spr➣Special Production Racing (motorcycle model) |
spr➣Statement of Procedural Rules (IRB) |
spr➣System Program Review |
spr➣Sam Park Revue (stage comedy troupe) |
spr➣SHARP Proactive Routing Protocol |
spr➣Single Point of Reference |
spr➣Seconds Per Rotation |
spr➣Space Power Reactor |
spr➣Secure-Path Routing |
spr➣Software Product Report |
spr➣Sponsor's Program Review |
spr➣Service Performance Review |
spr➣System Post-deployment Review |
spr➣Special Requisition |
spr➣Second Parent Rider (life insurance) |
spr➣Specific Physiological Response (polygraphy) |
spr➣Salvage Point Recording |
spr➣Sequential Probabilistic Resource (resource reservation strategy) |
spr➣Salient Pole Rotor |
spr➣Sistema de Proteção Contra Riscos Financeiros (Brasil) |
spr➣Secure Packet Radio |
spr➣Secretarial Performance/Program Review |
spr➣Stowage Problem Report |
spr➣Service des Programmes et du Réseau (French: Programs and Services Network) |
spr➣Schools and Programmes Register (Ghana) |
spr➣Synchronous Persistent Repetition |
spr➣Software Portability Review |
spr➣Systems Programming Request |
spr➣Special Program Requirement/Review |
spr➣System Performance Requirement(s) |