

T0183600 (thrĕt′n)v. threat·ened, threat·en·ing, threat·ens To express a threat against or give indications of taking hostile action against: threatened his neighbor with a knife.2. To be a source of danger to; endanger: Landslides threatened the mountain village.3. To give signs or warning of; portend: clouds threatening rain.4. To announce the possibility of (something) in a threat or prediction: workers threatening a walkout; a customer threatening to sue for fraud.5. To cause (someone) to feel that his or her power, social standing, or self-esteem is in danger of being diminished: felt threatened by his colleague's promotion.v.intr.1. To express or use threats.2. To indicate or be a source of danger or harm: "When World War II threatened, Broadway turned to patriotic extravaganzas" (Deanne Stillman).
threat′en·er n.threat′en·ing·ly adv.