Raeder paratrigeminal syndrome

Rae·der par·a·tri·gem·i·nal syn·drome

(rā'dĕr), a postganglionic Horner syndrome associated with trigeminal nerve dysfunction caused by involvement of the carotid sympathetic plexus near the Mechel cave.

Rae·der par·a·tri·gem·i·nal syn·drome

(rā'der par'ă-trī-jem'i-năl sin'drōm) A postganglionic Horner syndrome associated with trigeminal nerve dysfunction caused by involvement of the carotid sympathetic plexus, near the Meckel cave.

Raeder paratrigeminal syndrome

(rād′ĕr) [J. G. Raeder, Norwegian ophthalmologist, 1889–1956] An incomplete form of Horner syndrome with unilateral ptosis and miosis and preserved facial sweating. It may result from aneurysms of or injury to the internal carotid artery.


Georg Johan, Norwegian ophthalmologist, 1889-1956. Raeder paratrigeminal syndrome - a postganglionic Horner syndrome associated with trigeminal nerve dysfunction, caused by involvement of the carotid sympathetic plexus.