释义 |
subacute granulomatous thyroiditis sub·a·cute gran·u·lom·a·tous thy·roi·di·tisthyroiditis with round cell (usually lymphocytes) infiltration, destruction of thyroid cells, epithelial giant cell proliferation, and evidence of regeneration; thought by some to be a reflection of a systemic infection and not an example of true chronic thyroiditis. Synonym(s): de Quervain thyroiditis, giant cell thyroiditissub·a·cute gran·u·lom·a·tous thy·roi·di·tis (sŭb'ă-kyūt' gran'yū-lō'mă-tŭs thī'roy-dī'tis) Thyroiditis with round cell (usually lymphocytes) infiltration, destruction of thyroid cells, epithelial giant cell proliferation, and evidence of regeneration; thought by some to be a reflection of a systemic infection and not an example of true chronic thyroiditis. Synonym(s): de Quervain thyroiditis. de Quervain, Fritz, Swiss surgeon, 1868-1940. de Quervain disease - fibrosis of the sheath of a tendon of the thumb. Synonym(s): radial styloid tendovaginitisde Quervain fracture - fracture of navicular bone with dislocation of lunar bone.de Quervain incisionde Quervain releasede Quervain tenolysisde Quervain tenosynovitisde Quervain thyroiditis - thyroiditis with round cell infiltration, destruction of thyroid cells, epithelial giant cell proliferation, and evidence of regeneration. Synonym(s): subacute granulomatous thyroiditisQuervain abdominal retractorQuervain cranial forcepsQuervain elevatorQuervain forcepsQuervain incisionQuervain releaseQuervain rongeur |