Panther Creek State Park

Panther Creek State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Tennessee
Location:Off US 11E and Route 1, 6 miles west of Morristown, on Cherokee Lake.
Facilities:50 campsites with water and electricity hookups, laundromat, bathhouses, picnic areas, pavilions, hiking trails, bridle trails, bike trails, swimming pool, game courts, playfield, playgrounds.
Activities:Camping, fishing, canoeing, swimming, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, tennis.
Special Features:Park is located on the shores of the Cherokee Reservoir, an impoundment of the Holston River. Legend has it that Panther Creek and Panther Springs, which is located about 1.5 miles southeast of the park, received their names from the claim of a Virginia man who shot a panther that fell into the spring.
Address:2010 Panther Creek Park Rd
Morristown, TN 37814

Size: 1,435 acres.

See other parks in Tennessee.