posterior communicating artery

pos·te·ri·or com·mu·ni·cat·ing ar·ter·y

[TA] origin, internal carotid; distribution, optic tract, crus cerebri, interpeduncular region, and hippocampal gyrus; anastomoses, with posterior cerebral to form a portion of the cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis). Synonym(s): arteria communicans posterior [TA]

pos·te·ri·or com·mu·ni·cat·ing ar·te·ry

(pos-tēr'ē-ŏr kŏ-myū'ni-kā'ting ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, internal carotid; distribution, optic tract, crus cerebri, interpeduncular region, and hippocampal gyrus; anastomoses with posterior cerebral to form the cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis).
Synonym(s): arteria communicans posterior.

posterior communicating artery

An artery interconnecting the posterior cerebral and middle cerebral arteries at the base of the brain. See: brain (Major arteries of the brain) and circle of Willis for illus. See also: artery