posterior femoral cutaneous nerve

pos·te·ri·or cu·ta·ne·ous nerve of thigh

[TA] arises as a branch of the sacral plexus, conveying fibers from the ventral rami of first three sacral nerves; supplies the skin of the posterior surface of the thigh and of the popliteal region (S1 and S2 component); it gives off a perineal branch (S3 component) that passes to the lateral aspect of the scrotum or labia majora. Synonym(s): nervus cutaneus femoris posterior [TA], posterior femoral cutaneous nerve ☆ , small sciatic nerve

pos·te·ri·or cu·ta·ne·ous nerve of thigh

(pos-tēr'ē-ŏr kyū-tā'nē-ŭs nĕrv thī) [TA] Arises as branch of sacral plexus, conveying fibers from ventral rami of first three sacral nerves; supplies skin of posterior surface of thigh and popliteal region (S1 and S2 component); gives off a perineal branch (S3 component) that passes to lateral aspect of scrotum or labium majus.
Synonym(s): nervus cutaneus femoris posterior, posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, small sciatic nerve.

posterior femoral cutaneous nerve

A sensory nerve originating in the sacral plexus and composed of axons from spinal cord segments S1–S3. It innervates the skin of the lateral perineum, buttock, upper medial and posterior thigh, and calf. Synonym: posterior cutaneous nerve of the thighSee also: nerve