posterior gastric artery

posterior gastric artery

[TA] origin: splenic artery; distribution: ascends retroperitoneally in posterior wall of omental bursa toward gastric fundus to reach (and supply) the gastric wall via the gastrophrenic fold. Omitted from many accounts of the blood supply of the stomach, its unexpected presence may complicate surgery involving the cardia of the stomach. Synonym(s): arteria gastrica posterior [TA]

pos·te·ri·or gas·tric ar·te·ry

(pos-tēr'ē-ŏr gas'trik ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, splenic artery;distribution, ascends retroperitoneally in the posterior wall of omental bursa toward gastric fundus to reach (and supply) the gastric wall through the gastrophrenic fold.
Synonym(s): arteria gastrica posterior.