posterior glandular branch of superior thyroid artery

posterior glandular branch of superior thyroid artery

[TA] `branch of superior thyroid artery that descends to supply the apical portion of the ipsilateral lobe of the thyroid, continuing along the posterior border of the gland to anastomose with the inferior thyroid artery. Synonym(s): ramus glandularis posterior arteriae thyroideae superioris [TA], posterior branch of superior thyroid artery, ramus posterior arteriae thyroideae superioris

pos·te·ri·or glan·du·lar branch of su·pe·ri·or thy·roid ar·te·ry

(pos-tēr'ē-ŏr gland'yū-lăr branch sŭ-pēr'ē-ŏr thī'royd ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Branch of superior thyroid artery that descends to supply the apical portion of the ipsilateral lobe of the thyroid, continuing along the posterior border of the gland to anastomose with the inferior thyroid artery.