posterior hepatic segment I

posterior hepatic segment I

[TA] the relatively small part of the liver supplied by caudate branches of the left (or left and right) branches of the portal vein, demarcated on the visceral surface of the liver as the caudate lobe. Synonym(s): segmentum hepatis posterius I [TA], caudate lobe ☆ , lobus caudatus hepatis ☆ , posterior liver ☆ , posterior part of liver ☆ , segment I ☆ , segmentum I ☆ , Spigelius lobe

pos·te·ri·or he·pat·ic seg·ment I

(pos-tēr'ē-ŏr hĕ-pat'ik seg'mĕnt) [TA] A small lobe of the liver situated posteriorly between the sulcus for the vena cava and the fissure for the ligamentum venosum.
Synonym(s): lobus caudatus, Spigelius lobe.