Acronym | Definition |
SLC➣Single-Level Cell (flash memory technology) |
SLC➣Student Leadership Council |
SLC➣Student Loan Corporation |
SLC➣Sarah Lawrence College (Bronxville, NY, USA) |
SLC➣Salut les Copains (French radio variety show) |
SLC➣Small Learning Communities |
SLC➣Self-Leveling Concrete |
SLC➣Standard Lesson Commentary (Bible commentary) |
SLC➣Smaller Learning Communities |
SLC➣Space Launch Complex |
SLC➣Student Learning Center |
SLC➣Student Life Center |
SLC➣Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire |
SLC➣Small Learning Community |
SLC➣Spirit of Life Church (Martinsville, IN) |
SLC➣State Leadership Conference (various organizations) |
SLC➣Silver Lake College (Manitowoc, WI) |
SLC➣Sri Lanka Customs |
SLC➣State Lands Commission (California) |
SLC➣Signaling Line Circuit |
SLC➣Student Learning Community (various locations) |
SLC➣Southern Legislative Conference |
SLC➣Scan Line Corrector |
SLC➣Shift Left Circular |
SLC➣Subscriber Line Card |
SLC➣Secondary Level Cache |
SLC➣Skip Leader Characters |
SLC➣Sun Learning Center |
SLC➣Software Licensing Client |
SLC➣Single Level Cell |
SLC➣Slave Link Controller |
SLC➣Signaling Link Code |
SLC➣Substantial Lessening of Competition |
SLC➣Surprise Lake Camp (Cold Spring, NY) |
SLC➣Subscriber Line Charge |
SLC➣Subscriber Line Carrier |
SLC➣secondary lymphoid-tissue chemokine |
SLC➣School Leaving Certificate (Nepal) |
SLC➣Short Leg Cast |
SLC➣Spiritual Life Center |
SLC➣Special Litigation Committee (derivative lawsuits) |
SLC➣Short Loan Collection |
SLC➣Stanford Linear Collider (particle physics accelerator) |
SLC➣System Life Cycle |
SLC➣Science Learning Center (various schools) |
SLC➣Servei de Llengua Catalana |
SLC➣Science Library Catalog |
SLC➣School Literacy and Culture (Rice University; Texas) |
SLC➣Student Life Coordinator (various schools) |
SLC➣Suspended Looping Coaster (roller coaster model) |
SLC➣Student Leadership Committee (various schools) |
SLC➣Software Life Cycle |
SLC➣Service Level Commitment |
SLC➣Single Look Complex |
SLC➣Sports Loisirs et Culture (French: Sports, Leisure and Culture) |
SLC➣Spanish Language Center (various locations) |
SLC➣Subscriber Loop Carrier |
SLC➣Surface Laminar Circuit |
SLC➣Second Level Cache |
SLC➣Student Loans Company Ltd |
SLC➣Service Learning Club (various locations) |
SLC➣Standby Letter of Credit |
SLC➣Soil Labile Carbon |
SLC➣Single Line Concept (US DoD) |
SLC➣Steam Laser Cleaning |
SLC➣Sigma Lambda Chi (National Construction Honor Society) |
SLC➣Suncoast League of Cities (Tampa, FL) |
SLC➣Senior Leaders Course |
SLC➣Société de Législation Comparée (French: Society of Comparative Legislation) |
SLC➣Service-Learning Clearinghouse |
SLC➣St. Lawrence Centre (Canada) |
SLC➣School Leadership Center |
SLC➣Slow Left Arm Chinaman (cricket) |
SLC➣Smart Link Communication (Algeria; est. 2001) |
SLC➣Submarine Learning Center (US Navy) |
SLC➣Shelf Life Code |
SLC➣Signaling Link Code (SS7 SCCP) |
SLC➣Society for Leadership of Change (Huntersville, NC) |
SLC➣Shuttle Launch Complex (Vandenberg AFB, CA) |
SLC➣Student Liaison Committee |
SLC➣Statue of Liberty Club |
SLC➣Sauvons le Climat (French: Save the Climate) |
SLC➣Small Logic Controller (Allen Bradley SLC 500 series controller) |
SLC➣Subscriber Line Concentrator |
SLC➣Senate Library Committee (Canada) |
SLC➣Schools & Libraries Corporation |
SLC➣State Legislative Committee (American Association of Retired Persons) |
SLC➣Self-Learning Center |
SLC➣Single Layer Capacitor (electronic component) |
SLC➣Statute Law Committee |
SLC➣Special Libraries Cataloguing, Inc. (Canada) |
SLC➣Sounds Like Chicken (band) |
SLC➣Spirit of Legacy Club |
SLC➣Standby Liquid Control (nuclear power) |
SLC➣Senior Leaders Conference (USACE) |
SLC➣Southern Legal Counsel, Inc. (Gainesville, FL) |
SLC➣Susquehanna Library Cooperative |
SLC➣Spring Loaded Center |
SLC➣Simple Line Code Modulation |
SLC➣Secured Line of Credit |
SLC➣Student Lending and Consolidations |
SLC➣Say Leadership Coaching |
SLC➣Solute-Linked Carrier |
SLC➣Submarine Laser Communications |
SLC➣Sign Language Connection, Inc. |
SLC➣Student Leaders' Convention (Singapore) |
SLC➣Saint Louis Cardinals (baseball team) |
SLC➣Sonobuoy Launch Container |
SLC➣San Luis Central Railroad Company |
SLC➣SLAC Linear Electron-Positron Collider |
SLC➣Swingin' Love Corpses (band) |
SLC➣Subscriber Line Card (Cisco) |
SLC➣Senior Level Communications (Westford, MA) |
SLC➣State Land Committee |
SLC➣Slovincian (linguistics) |
SLC➣Santa Lucija (postal locality, Malta) |
SLC➣Stockage List Code |
SLC➣Solution Life Cycle |
SLC➣Self Loading Cargo (military slang for passengers) |
SLC➣Satellite Laser Communications |
SLC➣Security Leadership Council |
SLC➣Services Linguistiques Corporatifs, inc. |
SLC➣Security Life Cycle |
SLC➣Sight Letter of Credit |
SLC➣SEABEE Logistics Center |
SLC➣Senior-Level College |
SLC➣Shippers Load & Count |
SLC➣Shared LAN Cache (Measurement Techniques, Inc.) |
SLC➣Sunday Lunch Club |
SLC➣Senior Lawyers Conference |
SLC➣Swiss Landscape Concept |
SLC➣State Location Codes |
SLC➣Sloan Leadership Club (MIT) |
SLC➣Specification Language Compiler |
SLC➣School of Languages and Culture (Australia) |
SLC➣Side Lobe Clutter (radar) |
SLC➣Software License Configurator |
SLC➣Student Leadership Club |
SLC➣St. Lawrence Cement Co., LLC (Canada) |
SLC➣Sudan Literature Centre |
SLC➣Secret Liberal Cabal |
SLC➣Shore Laser Center |
SLC➣Straight-Line Capacitance |
SLC➣Sound and Lighting Company |
SLC➣Standard Lightwave Corporation (San Jose, CA) |
SLC➣Stokesley Leisure Centre (UK) |
SLC➣Sky Loop Committee (Covington, Kentucky) |
SLC➣Salt Lake City, UT, USA - Salt Lake City International Airport (Airport Code) |
SLC➣Subscriber Loop Connection |
SLC➣Stupid Little Company (polite form) |
SLC➣Squirrel Lover's Club |
SLC➣Site Licensed Company |
SLC➣Shuttle Launch Dispenser |
SLC➣Sheffield Law Center (UK) |
SLC➣Specialized Logistics Carrier |
SLC➣Support Logistic Center |
SLC➣Shortened Linear Code |
SLC➣South Learning Center |
SLC➣Service Learning Chairpersons |
SLC➣Side Look Complex (radar image) |
SLC➣Svenska Lantbruksproducenternas Centralforbund |
SLC➣Svenska Löwchen Cirkeln |
SLC➣Stage Left Center |
SLC➣Sign Language Consultants |
SLC➣Soportes Logísticos Corporativos |
SLC➣Ships Loading Characteristics |
SLC➣Southern Luzon Colleges |
SLC➣Seminar for Learning and Collaboration |
SLC➣Service Level Checking |
SLC➣Subscriber Local Carrier |
SLC➣Steads Light Cavalry |
SLC➣Sweetheart Leadership Conference (International Order of DeMolay) |
SLC➣System Leadership Council (various organizations) |
SLC➣Shear Layer Control |
SLC➣Side Lobe Canceller/Cancellation |
SLC➣Secreterial Language Certificate (UK) |
SLC➣Star Lord Commander |