


a genus of plants of the family Labiatae. The plants are perennial, usually tomentose grasses. They are 15–30 cm in height and have numerous stems. The leaves are opposite, palmatifid, and petiolate. The two-lipped flowers, which are large and yellow, are in many-flowered false whorls that form a dense spicate inflorescence. There are two or three species in southern Siberia, Mongolia, and northern and northwestern China. The most common species in the USSR is P. lanata, which grows in the Altai, the southern Krasnoiarsk Krai, Tuva, and Transbaikalia. The plant is found in steppes, on rocky slopes, among rock debris, and on gravelly terrain. Panzeria contain tannic and flavonoid substances and bitters. In folk medicine, the plants are used to treat edema, rheumatism, and cardiac disorders. They also are used as tranquilizers and diuretics.


Atlas lekarstvennykh rastenii SSSR. Moscow, 1962.