Acronym | Definition |
SLD➣Special Low Dispersion (glass) |
SLD➣Statute Law Database (UK) |
SLD➣Specific Learning Disabilities |
SLD➣Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (Democratic Left Alliance, Poland) |
SLD➣Stags Leap District (California) |
SLD➣Second Level Domain |
SLD➣Stiff Legged Deadlift |
SLD➣System Landscape Directory (SAP) |
SLD➣Sliding Door |
SLD➣Schools and Libraries Division (USAC) |
SLD➣Super Luminescent Diode |
SLD➣Symmetrix Logical Device |
SLD➣Slide File |
SLD➣System Landscape Directory |
SLD➣Supplemental Listing Document |
SLD➣Styled Layer Descriptor |
SLD➣State Lands Division (Alabama) |
SLD➣Side Loading Door |
SLD➣Service Life Design |
SLD➣Second Line of Defense |
SLD➣Single Line Diagram (power system schematic) |
SLD➣State Laboratories Division (Department of Health; Hawaii) |
SLD➣Severe Learning Disability |
SLD➣Super-Luminescent Diode |
SLD➣Straight Line Diagram (roadway) |
SLD➣Specific Learning Disorder |
SLD➣System Link Designator (US DoD) |
SLD➣Social and Liberal Democrats (UK political party) |
SLD➣Specific Language Disability (Dyslexia) |
SLD➣Scattering Length Density |
SLD➣Senior Leader Development (US Army) |
SLD➣Source-Level Debugger |
SLD➣Sauver le Darfour (French: Save Darfur) |
SLD➣Severe Laziness Disease |
SLD➣Service Level Description (Service Level Agreements) |
SLD➣Supercooled Large Drops |
SLD➣Special Learning Disability |
SLD➣Single Lens Digital (cameras) |
SLD➣Sonic Layer Depth |
SLD➣Single Line Drawing |
SLD➣Spiritual Life Director |
SLD➣Scheduled Lightpath Demand |
SLD➣Slow Long Distance (training method) |
SLD➣Speed Limiting Device (automotive; India) |
SLD➣Slow Learning Disability |
SLD➣Super-Cooled Liquid Droplets |
SLD➣Slavic Language Division (ATA) |
SLD➣Sum of Longest Diameters |
SLD➣Simulated Launch Demonstration |
SLD➣Start of Layer Data |
SLD➣Safety Level Days |
SLD➣Sherman L Dantzler (Grand Blanc, MI business consulting) |
SLD➣Square Law Distortion |
SLD➣Squad Leader Display |
SLD➣Sierra Legal Defense |
SLD➣System Level Diagram |
SLD➣Stop Line Detection |
SLD➣Surreptitious Listening Device |
SLD➣SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) Large Detector (experimental particle physics) |
SLD➣Strategic Layout and Dispersal (US Navy) |
SLD➣Selected Linear, Definite-Clause (logical proofs) |
SLD➣Secreterial Language Diploma (UK) |