terminal cancer

A malignancy which is expected to cause the patient’s death in a short period of time—i.e., weeks to several months

terminal cancer

A malignancy expected to cause the Pt's death in a short period of time–ie, wks to several months; Pts with TCs have 1+ of the following: no response to any form of therapy, tumor-related cachexia/marked weight loss, florid metastases to multiple sites or 'secondary' metastases–ie, those arising from an already metastatic focus, marked jaundice–due to liver replacement by CA, a need for constant pain medication, and compression of vital stuctures of 'impossible' surgical access. See 'Heroic' surgery, Hospice, Most significant other. Cf Spontaneous remission of cancer, Unproven therapies for cancer.

terminal cancer

Widespread or advanced cancer, from which recovery is not expected.See also: cancer