Voinovich, Mark

Voinovich, Mark Ivanovich


Born 1750; died 1807. Count; Russian admiral (1801).

Voinovich was born on the shore of Kotor Bay (in present-day Montenegro). In 1770 he was accepted into the Russian service as an ensign. He distinguished himself in the Archipelago Expedition of 1769-74. During the years 1780-83 he was in command of the Astrakhan Flotilla. Beginning in 1783 he commanded the first battleship in the Black Sea Fleet; and from 1785, the Sevastopol’ Squadron. At the end of 1789 and the beginning of 1790, Voinovich was commander of the Black Sea Fleet. During the Russo-Turkish war of 1787-91 he acted passively and indecisively, as a result of which he was replaced in March 1790. Beginning in 1797 he was a member of the Black Sea Admiralty Board. From 1805, Voinovich lived in retirement.