Papanicolaou stain

Pa·pa·ni·co·la·ou stain

(pa-pă-ni'kō-low), a multichromatic stain used principally on exfoliated cytologic specimens and based on aqueous hematoxylin with multiple counterstaining dyes in 95% ethyl alcohol, giving great transparency and delicacy of detail; important in cancer screening, especially of gynecologic smears.


George N., Greek-U.S. physician, anatomist, and cytologist, 1883-1962. Papanicolaou examinationPapanicolaou smear - Synonym(s): Pap smearPapanicolaou smear test - Synonym(s): Pap testPapanicolaou stain - a multichromatic stain used in cancer screening, especially of gynecologic smears.Papanicolaou test - Synonym(s): Pap testPap smear - vaginal or cervical cells obtained for cytological study. Synonym(s): Papanicolaou smearPap test - examination of cells stained with Papanicolaou stain. Synonym(s): Papanicolaou smear test; Papanicolaou test