subastragalar amputation

sub·as·trag·a·lar am·pu·ta·tion

amputation of the foot in which only the astragalus is retained. Synonym(s): Malgaigne amputation


Joseph François, French surgeon, 1806-1865. Malgaigne amputation - amputation of the foot in which only the astragalus is retained. Synonym(s): subastragalar amputationMalgaigne apparatusMalgaigne bulgingMalgaigne clampMalgaigne fossa - a space containing the bifurcation of the common carotid artery. Synonym(s): carotid triangle; Malgaigne triangleMalgaigne fractureMalgaigne hernia - infantile inguinal hernia prior to the descent of the testis.Malgaigne hookMalgaigne luxation - longitudinal subluxation of the radial head from the anular ligament. Synonym(s): nursemaid's elbowMalgaigne swellingMalgaigne triangle - Synonym(s): Malgaigne fossa