

S0469300 (slēk)adj. sleek·er, sleek·est 1. a. Smooth and lustrous as if polished; glossy: long, sleek hair.b. In good health and having smooth or glossy hair, fur, or skin: a sleek hound.2. a. Able to or designed to move efficiently through air or water; streamlined: a sleek, luxurious sedan.b. Thin and elegant in design: "A pair of sleek minarets anchored the skyline" (Terence Ward).3. Polished or smooth in manner, especially in an unctuous way; slick: a sleek government sleeked, sleek·ing, sleeks To make sleek; slick: sleeked his hair with pomade.
[Variant of slick.]
sleek′ly adv.sleek′ness n.
Adv.1.sleekly - in a sleek glossy manner; "the wet road was shining sleekly"


(sliːk) adjective1. (of hair, an animal's fur etc) smooth, soft and glossy. The dog has a lovely sleek coat. 光滑柔軟的 (毛发)光滑的,柔滑的 2. well fed and cared for. a sleek Siamese cat lay by the fire. 養尊處優的 保养得好的ˈsleekly adverb 光滑柔軟地,養尊處優地 光滑地ˈsleekness noun 光滑柔軟,養尊處優 光滑