


the family name of two Russian public figures.

Viktor Ivanovich Ragozin. Born Aug. 19 (31), 1833, in Moscow; died Aug. 9 (22), 1901, in St. Petersburg. Engineer and entrepreneur.

Ragozin graduated from the faculty of physics and mathematics of Moscow University in 1854. He took part in the revolutionary movement of the 1860’s and supported the Land and Liberty (Zemlia i volia) society. He was arrested in 1862 and briefly imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress; he was under police surveillance until 1868. He later became a liberal.

In the early 1870’s, Ragozin became a theorist and specialist of the petroleum industry and an outstanding engineer and technologist. He developed a method for obtaining lubricants from petroleum and built, in Nizhny Novgorod Province, the first factories in Russia for the production of lubricants. (Ba-lakhna, 1877; village of Konstantinovo, 1879). Ragozin wrote the works on economics The Volga (vols. 1–3, 1880–81) and Petroleum and the Petroleum Industry (1884).

Evgenii Ivanovich Ragozin. Born Nov. 18 (30), 1835, in Moscow; died May 28 (June 10), 1906, in St. Petersburg. Economist and publicist. Brother of V. I. Ragozin.

Ragozin graduated from the Demidov Lycée in Yaroslavl in 1857. He took part in the revolutionary movement of the 1860’s and supported the Land and Liberty society. In the late 1860’s, while abroad, he became friends with A. I. Herzen and N. P. Ogarev. On his return to Russia in 1871, Ragozin was placed under police surveillance, which continued until the mid-1880’s. He later became a liberal.

Ragozin wrote articles on economics in Golos, Sankt-Peter-burgskie vedomosti, and other newspapers and in journals. He was also an editor and publisher of the newspaper Nedelia from 1872 to 1874. Beginning in the early 1870’s, Rogozin was a committee member of the Society for Promoting Russian Trade and Industry. He became secretary of the Permanent Consultative Bureau of Iron Manufacturers in 1893. Ragozin organized the collection and systematic publication of statistical materials on the production of pig iron, iron, and steel in Russia. He wrote the studies on economics The History of Tobacco and the System of Tobacco Taxation in Europe and America (1871) and Iron and Coal in Southern Russia (1895).