posterior temporal branch of middle cerebral artery

posterior temporal branch of middle cerebral artery

[TA] a branch of the insular part (M2 segment) of the middle cerebral artery distributed to the cortex of the posterior part of the temporal lobe. Synonym(s): ramus temporalis posterior arteriae cerebri mediae [TA], arteria temporalis posterior, posterior temporal artery

pos·te·ri·or tem·po·ral branch of mid·dle ce·re·bral ar·te·ry

(pos-tēr'ē-ŏr tem'pŏr-ăl branch mid'ĕl ser'ĕ-brăl ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] A branch of the insular part (M2 segment) of the middle cerebral artery distributed to the cortex of the posterior part of the temporal lobe.