Rock Picker

Rock Picker


a mounted or pulled machine for picking up rocks in clearing farmlands, building roads and hydroengineer-ing projects, and doing other jobs.

In the USSR rock pickers are produced to pull up, pull up andload, collect and haul, or just haul rocks. For pulling-up work, there are rock pullers that can remove rocks with a weight of upto 10 tons when shoved by a tractor or when equipped with adouble-arm lever. For pulling up stones and loading them intotransportation vehicles, puller-loaders are used; these can pull upstones weighing up to 10 tons and load stones with a weight ofup to 3 tons into transport up to 2 m high. Small and medium-size stones (with diameters from 12 to 65 cm and weights of20-300 kg) are picked up from the ground with the comb of aUKP-0.6 machine, which drops them into the hopper of a ma-chine. After the hopper is full, the machine is transported to theunloading area. The productivity of the rock picker is 2-3 cu mof stones per hour. Stones weighing up to 250 kg can be pickedup and removed from the field with the UKS-0.7 rock picker, which has a serrated bucket with a clam-shell clamp. The pro-ductivity of the rock picker is 0.8-1.0 cu m per hr. Small stones(with diameters of 5-30 cm) are picked up by a continuous-action machine with a device for removing the stones from thesoil and a separator for sifting the soil. A self-unloading sled ora dump trailer with a capacity of up to 6 tons is used for haulingthe stones from the field.