

单词 turn off

turn off


T0117600 (tûrn)v. turned, turn·ing, turns v.tr.1. a. To cause to move around an axis or center; cause to rotate or revolve: A motor turns the wheels.b. To cause to move around in order to achieve a result, such as opening, closing, tightening, or loosening: turn the key; turn a screw.2. To alter or control the functioning of (a mechanical device, for example) by the use of a rotating or similar movement: turned the iron to a hotter setting.3. To perform or accomplish by rotating or revolving: turn a somersault.4. a. To change the position of so that the underside becomes the upper side: turn the steak; turn a page.b. To spade or plow (soil) to bring the undersoil to the surface.c. To reverse and resew the material of (a collar, for example).5. To revolve in the mind; meditate on; ponder: turned the question in her mind.6. a. To give a rounded form to (wood, for example) by rotating against a cutting tool.b. To give a rounded shape to (clay, for example) by rotating and shaping with the hands or tools.c. To give a rounded form to: turn a heel in knitting a sock.d. To give distinctive, artistic, or graceful form to: "They know precisely how to turn a dramatic line or phrase that is guaranteed to make the evening news" (William Safire).7. a. To change the position of by traversing an arc of a circle; pivot: turned his chair toward the speaker.b. To present in a specified direction by rotating or pivoting: turn one's face to the wall.c. To cause (a scale) to move up or down so as to register weight: Even a feather will turn a delicate scale.8. a. To fold, bend, or twist (something).b. To change the position or disposition of by folding, bending, or twisting: Turn the design right side up on your jacket buttons. Turn the hat inside out.c. To make a bend or curve in: strong enough to turn a bar of steel.d. To blunt or dull (the edge of a cutting instrument).e. To injure by twisting: turn an ankle.f. To upset or make nauseated: That story turns my stomach.9. To change the direction or course of: turn the car to the left.10. a. To divert or deflect: turn a stampede.b. To reverse the course of; cause to retreat: "Then turn your forces from this paltry siege / And stir them up against a mightier task" (Shakespeare).11. To make a course around or about: turn a corner.12. To reach and pass (a specified age): My niece has turned two.13. To change the purpose, intention, or content of by persuasion or influence: Her speech turned my thinking.14. To change the order or disposition of; unsettle: "Sudden prosperity had turned [his] head" (Thomas Macaulay).15. a. To aim or focus: turn one's gaze to the sky; turned the camera on the speaker.b. To devote or apply (oneself, for example) to something: She turned herself to law.16. To cause to act or go against; make antagonistic: The scandal turned public opinion against the candidate.17. To cause to go in a specific direction; direct: They turned their steps toward home.18. To send, drive, or let go: turn the bully out of the bar; turned the dog loose.19. To pour, let fall, or otherwise release (contents) from or into a receptacle: Turn the dough onto a floured board.20. a. To cause to take on a specified character, nature, identity, or appearance; change or transform. Used with to or into: water that had been turned to ice; turn a rundown house into a show place.b. To affect or change the color of: Autumn turns the green leaves golden.c. To make sour; ferment: Lack of refrigeration turned the milk.21. To exchange; convert. Used with to or into: turns her singing talent into extra money.22. To keep in circulation; sell and restock: We turned a great deal of merchandise during the holidays.23. a. To make use of: turned the situation to our advantage.b. To get by buying and selling: turn a fair profit.24. To perform successfully; complete: turn a double play.25. Slang To perform (an act of prostitution): turning tricks.v.intr.1. To move around an axis or center; rotate or revolve.2. To have a sensation of revolving or whirling, especially as a result of dizziness or giddiness: My head is turning.3. To change position from side to side or back and forth: I tossed and turned all night.4. To progress through pages so as to arrive at a given place: Please turn to page 31.5. a. To operate a lathe.b. To be formed on a lathe: a softwood that turns easily.6. To direct one's way or course: The truck turned into the gas station. Turn off the highway at the next exit.7. To change or reverse one's way, course, or direction: Too tired to go farther, we turned toward home.8. To change one's actions or attitudes adversely; become hostile or antagonistic: The peasants turned against the cruel king.9. To attack suddenly and violently with no apparent motive: The lion turned on the animal trainer.10. To channel one's attention, interest, or thought toward or away from something: "In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love" (Tennyson).11. To devote or apply oneself to something, as to a field of study: Unsuccessful in math, the student turned to biology.12. To convert to a religion.13. To switch one's loyalty from one side or party to another.14. a. To have recourse to a person or thing for help, support, or information: You can always turn to me for advice.b. To start to use (something) as a solution to a problem or relief of distress: When things got really bad, he turned to drugs.15. To depend on something for success or failure; hinge: "The election would turn not on ideology but on competence" (George F. Will).16. a. To change so as to be; become: His hair turned gray. I am a lawyer turned novelist.b. To change; become transformed. Used with to or into: The sky turned to pink at dawn. The night turned into day.c. To change color: The leaves have turned.d. To become sour: The milk will turn if you don't refrigerate it.17. To be stocked and sold: This merchandise will turn easily.18. To become dull or blunt by bending back. Used of the edge of a cutting instrument.n.1. The act of turning or the condition of being turned; rotation or revolution.2. A change of direction, motion, or position: Make a left turn at the corner.3. A place, as in a road or path, where a change in direction occurs; a curve: a sharp turn in the road.4. a. A change or deviation, as in a trend: a strange turn of events.b. A change or development in a particular way: The patient took a turn for the worse.c. A variation of a given kind or type: "His muse occasionally takes a humorous and satirical turn" (Albert C. Baugh).5. A point marking the end of one period of time and the beginning of the next: the turn of the century.6. The midway point in a round of 18 holes of golf, at which the first set of nine holes has been completed.7. a. A period of participation: had a turn at wrestling in college.b. A chance or opportunity: took advantage at every turn.c. One of a series of such opportunities accorded people in succession or in scheduled order: waiting for her next turn at bat.8. a. An attack of illness or severe nervousness.b. A momentary shock or scare: I had quite a turn when I heard the crash.9. A characteristic mood, style, or habit; a natural inclination: an inquisitive turn of mind.10. A distinctive, graceful, or artistic expression or arrangement of words: the poetic turn of a phrase.11. A deed or action having a good or bad effect on another: "He thought some friend had done him an ill turn" (Stephen Crane).12. A short walk or excursion out and back: took a turn in the park.13. A single wind or convolution, as of wire on a spool.14. Music A figure or ornament, usually consisting of four or more notes in rapid succession and including the principal note, the one a degree above it, and the one a degree below it.15. A brief theatrical act or stage appearance.16. A transaction on the stock market involving both a sale and a purchase.17. The fourth community card in Texas hold'em.18. Upper Southern & South Atlantic US An amount that can be carried or transported in one load: a turn of firewood; a turn of corn.Phrasal Verbs: turn away1. To send away; dismiss: turned away the clerk.2. To repel: The poor location of the house turned away prospective buyers.3. To avert; deflect: turned away all criticism. turn back1. To reverse one's direction of motion: stopped on the road and had to turn back.2. To drive back and away: turned back the uninvited comers.3. To halt the advance of: turned back the advancing army.4. To fold down: Turn back the page's corner to save your place in the book. turn down1. To diminish the speed, volume, intensity, or flow of: Turn down the radio, please.2. To reject or refuse, as a person, advice, or a suggestion: turned down the invitation.3. To fold or be capable of folding down: turn a collar down; a collar that turns down. turn in1. To hand in; give over: turned in the final exam.2. To inform on or deliver: The criminal turned herself in.3. To produce: turns in a consistent performance every day.4. Informal To go to bed: I turned in early last night. turn off1. To stop the operation, activity, or flow of; shut off: turned off the television.2. Slang a. To affect with dislike, displeasure, or revulsion: That song really turns me off.b. To affect with boredom: The play turned the audience off.c. To lose or cause to lose interest; withdraw: turning off to materialism.d. To cease paying attention to: The student turned off the boring lecture and daydreamed.3. To divert; deflect.4. Chiefly British To dismiss (an employee). turn on1. To cause to begin the operation, activity, or flow of: Turn on the light bulb.2. To begin to display, employ, or exude: turn on the charm.3. Slang a. To take or cause to take a mind-altering drug, especially for the first time.b. To be or cause to become interested, pleasurably excited, or stimulated. Often used with to: My aunt turned me on to jazz. She turned on to surfing this summer.c. To excite or become excited sexually. turn out1. To shut off: turned out the lights.2. To arrive or assemble, as for a public event or entertainment: Many protesters have turned out.3. To produce, as by a manufacturing process; make: an assembly line turning out cars.4. To be found to be, as after experience or trial: The rookie turned out to be the team's best hitter.5. To end up; result: The cake turned out beautifully.6. To equip; outfit: troops that were turned out lavishly7. Informal To get out of bed.8. To evict; expel: The tenants were turned out. turn over1. To bring the bottom to the top or vice versa; invert.2. a. To shift the position of, as by rolling from one side to the other.b. To shift one's position by rolling from one side to the other.3. To start operating or cause to start operating: The car's engine turned over. The starter couldn't turn the engine over.4. To think about; consider: turned over the problem in her mind.5. To be replaced by something else of the same kind: the rate at which the workforce turns over.6. To transfer to another; deliver: turned over the suspect to federal agents.7. To relinquish or surrender: turned over the management of the business to new owners.8. Sports To lose possession of (the ball or puck).9. To do business to the extent or amount of: turn over a million dollars a year.10. To seem to lurch or heave convulsively: My stomach turned over. turn to To begin work: If you quit dawdling and just turn to, your chores will be done soon. turn up1. To increase the speed, volume, intensity, or flow of: Turn up the radio.2. a. To find: She turned up the missing keys under her briefcase.b. To be found: The papers will turn up sooner or later.3. To make an appearance; arrive: Many old friends turned up at the reunion.4. To fold or be capable of folding up: turning up his cuffs; cuffs that will turn up.5. To happen unexpectedly: Something turned up, so I couldn't go.6. To be evident: a sculptor whose name turns up in the art circles.Idioms: at every turn In every place; at every moment. by turns One after another; alternately: "From the ... testimony emerges a man by turns devious and honest, vulgar and gallant, scatterbrained and shrewd" (Life). in turn In the proper order or sequence. out of turn1. Not in the proper order or sequence.2. At an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner: The student was reprimanded for speaking out of turn. to a turn To a precise degree; perfectly: The roast was done to a turn. turn a blind eye To refuse to see or recognize something: turned a blind eye to tax fraud. turn a deaf ear To refuse to listen to or hear something: turned a deaf ear to the protests. turn a hair To become afraid or upset: didn't turn a hair during the crisis. turn (one's) back on1. To deny; reject.2. To abandon; forsake. turn (one's) hand To apply oneself, as to a task: turned her hand to writing the report. turn (one's) head1. To cause to become infatuated.2. To cause to become egotistical and conceited: Success has turned his head. turn over a new leaf To start acting or thinking in a more positive or responsible way. turn tail To run away.turn the/a corner To reach and surpass a midpoint or milestone. turn the other cheek To respond to insult or injury by patiently eschewing retaliation. turn the scales To offset the balance of a situation. turn the tables To reverse a situation and gain the upper hand. turn turtle To capsize or turn upside-down: Our sailboat turned turtle during the squall. turn up (one's) nose To regard something with disdain or scorn: turned up her nose at the food.
[Middle English turnen, from Old English turnian, tyrnan and Old French torner, both from Latin tornāre, to turn in a lathe, from tornus, lathe, from Greek tornos; see terə- in Indo-European roots.]Synonyms: turn, circle, rotate, revolve, gyrate, spin, whirl, eddy, swirl
These verbs mean to move a in circle. Turn and circle are the most general: The mechanic made sure the wheels turned properly. Seagulls circled above the ocean. Rotate refers to movement around an object's own axis or center: Earth rotates on its axis once each day. Revolve involves orbital movement: Earth revolves around the sun. Gyrate suggests revolving in or as if in a spiral course: The top gyrated on the counter and slowly came to a stop. To spin is to rotate rapidly, often within a narrow compass: "He ... spun round, flung up his arms, and fell on his back, shot through" (John Galsworthy).
Whirl applies to rapid or forceful revolution or rotation: During the blizzard, snowflakes whirled down from the sky. Eddy denotes rapid circular movement like that of a whirlpool: Storm clouds eddied overhead. Swirl can connote a graceful undulation, spiral, or whorl: The leaves swirled in the wind.

turn off

vb 1. to leave (a road, pathway, etc) 2. (of a road, pathway, etc) to deviate from (another road, etc) 3. (tr, adverb) to cause (something) to cease operating by turning a knob, pushing a button, etc: to turn off the radio. 4. (tr) informal to cause (a person, etc) to feel dislike or distaste for (something): this music turns me off. 5. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) (tr, adverb) informal Brit to dismiss from employment n 6. (Civil Engineering) a road or other way branching off from the main thoroughfare 7. informal a person or thing that elicits dislike or distaste
Verb1.turn off - cause to stop operating by disengaging a switchturn off - cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch; "Turn off the stereo, please"; "cut the engine"; "turn out the lights"switch off, turn out, cutkill - cause to cease operating; "kill the engine"flip, switch, throw - cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation; "switch on the light"; "throw the lever"
2.turn off - make a turnturn off - make a turn; "turn off at the parking area"turn - change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense; "Turn towards me"; "The mugger turned and fled before I could see his face"; "She turned from herself and learned to listen to others' needs"
3.turn off - cause to feel intense dislike or distasteturn off - cause to feel intense dislike or distasteput offrepel, repulse - be repellent to; cause aversion in


verb1. To move or cause to move in circles or around an axis:circle, circumvolve, gyrate, orbit, revolve, rotate, wheel.2. To spade or dig (soil) to bring the undersoil to the surface:plow, turn over.3. To make or become less sharp-edged:blunt, dull.Idiom: take the edge off.4. To twist and turn, as in pain, struggle, or embarrassment:agonize, squirm, toss, writhe.5. To injure a (bodily part) by twisting:sprain, wrench.6. To disturb the health or physiological functioning of:derange, disorder, unsettle, upset.7. To change the direction or course of:avert, deflect, deviate, divert, pivot, shift, swing, veer.8. To cause to move, especially at an angle:angle, bend, deflect, refract.9. To swerve from a straight line:angle, arc, arch, bend, bow, crook, curve, round.10. To change to the opposite position, direction, or course.About, around, over, or round:invert, reverse, transpose.11. To make or become different:alter, change, modify, mutate, vary.12. To abandon one's cause or party usually to join another:apostatize, defect, desert, renegade, tergiversate.Slang: rat.Idioms: change sides, turn one's coat.13. To move (a weapon or blow, for example) in the direction of someone or something:aim, cast, direct, head, level, point, set, train, zero in.Military: lay.14. To devote (oneself or one's efforts):address, apply, bend, buckle down, concentrate, dedicate, devote, direct, focus, give.15. To become or cause to become rotten or unsound:break down, decay, decompose, deteriorate, disintegrate, molder, putrefy, rot, spoil, taint.Idioms: go bad, go to pot, go to seed.16. To look to when in need:apply, go, refer, repair, resort, run.Idioms: fall back on, have recourse to.17. To come to be.Also used with out:become, come, get, grow, wax.phrasal verb
turn down1. To be unwilling to accept, consider, or receive:decline, dismiss, refuse, reject, spurn.Slang: nix.Idiom: turn thumbs down on.2. To be unwilling to grant:deny, disallow, refuse, withhold.3. To prevent or forbid authoritatively:blackball, negative, veto.Slang: nix.Idiom: turn thumbs down on.phrasal verb
turn in1. To commit to the consideration or judgment of another:submit.2. Informal. To go to bed:bed (down), retire.Slang: crash, flop.Idioms: call it a night, hit the hay.phrasal verb
turn offSlang. To be very disagreeable to:displease, offend.Idioms: give offense to, not set right with.phrasal verb
turn on1. To be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable:depend on (or upon), hang on, hang upon, hinge on (or upon), rest on (or upon), turn upon.2. Slang. To arouse the interest and attention of:attract, interest, intrigue.phrasal verb
turn out1. To supply what is needed for some activity or purpose:accouter, appoint, equip, fit, fit out (or up), furnish, gear, outfit, rig.2. Informal. To leave one's bed:arise, get up, pile, rise, roll out.Idiom: rise and shine.phrasal verb
turn over1. To spade or dig (soil) to bring the undersoil to the surface:plow, turn.2. To turn or cause to turn from a vertical or horizontal position:capsize, knock over, overthrow, overturn, topple, upset.3. To think or think about carefully and at length:chew on (or over), cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, entertain, excogitate, meditate, mull, muse, ponder, reflect, revolve, ruminate, study, think, think out, think over, think through, weigh.Idioms: cudgel one's brains, put on one's thinking cap, rack one's brain.4. To relinquish to the possession or control of another:deliver, furnish, give, hand, hand over, provide, supply, transfer.5. To put in the charge of another for care, use, or performance:commend, commit, confide, consign, entrust, give (over), hand over, relegate, trust.Idiom: give in trust.6. To direct (a person) elsewhere for help or information:refer, send, transfer.phrasal verb
turn up1. To find by investigation:dig (out or up), uncover, unearth.2. To come to a particular place:arrive, check in, get in, pull in, reach, show up.Slang: blow in.Idiom: make an appearance.phrasal verb
turn uponTo be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable:depend on (or upon), hang on, hang upon, hinge on (or upon), rest on (or upon), turn on.noun1. Circular movement around a point or about an axis:circuit, circulation, circumvolution, gyration, revolution, rotation, wheel, whirl.2. A calculated change in position:evolution, maneuver, move, movement.3. Something bent:bend, bow, crook, curvature, curve, round.4. An often sudden change or departure, as in a trend:shift, tack, twist.5. A limited, often assigned period of activity, duty, or opportunity:bout, go, hitch, inning (often used in plural), shift, spell, stint, stretch, time, tour, trick, watch.6. An inclination to something:bent, bias, cast, disposition, leaning, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, propensity, squint, tendency, trend.7. An innate capability:aptitude, aptness, bent, faculty, flair, genius, gift, head, instinct, knack, talent.8. A course, process, or journey that ends where it began or repeats itself:circle, circuit, cycle, orbit, round, tour.9. A usually brief and regular journey on foot, especially for exercise:constitutional, walk.


(təːn) verb1. to (make something) move or go round; to revolve. The wheels turned; He turned the handle. 轉動 转动2. to face or go in another direction. He turned and walked away; She turned towards him. 朝向,轉向 朝向,转向 3. to change direction. The road turned to the left. 改變方向 改变方向4. to direct; to aim or point. He turned his attention to his work. 把(注意力)轉向 把(注意力)转向 5. to go round. They turned the corner. 繞過 绕过6. to (cause something to) become or change to. You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice? 轉變,改變 转变,改变 7. to (cause to) change colour to. Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white. 變色 变色 noun1. an act of turning. He gave the handle a turn. 轉動 转动2. a winding or coil. There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial. (一)圈 (一)圈 3. (also ˈturning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another. Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left. 轉彎處 转折点4. one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people). It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom. (依次輪流的)順次,輪到 (依次轮流的)顺次,轮到 5. one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it. The show opened with a comedy turn. (雜技中的)項目,劇目 (杂技中的)项目,剧目 ˈturning-point noun a place where a turn is made. the turning-point in the race; a turning-point in his life. 轉折點,轉戾點 转折点ˈturnover noun1. the total value of sales in a business during a certain time. The firm had a turnover of $100,000 last year. 營業額 营业额2. the rate at which money or workers pass through a business. 流通率 流通率ˈturnstile noun a revolving gate which allows only one person to pass at a time, usually after payment of entrance fees etc. There is a turnstile at the entrance to the football ground. (入口處的)十字轉門 (入口处的)旋转式栅门 ˈturntable noun the revolving part of a record-player on which the record rests while it is being played. He put another record on the turntable so that people could dance to the music. (唱機的)轉盤 (唱机的)转盘 ˈturn-up noun a piece of material which is folded up at the bottom of a trouser-leg. Trousers with turn-ups are not fashionable at the moment. 褲腿捲邊 裤腿卷边by turnsin turndo (someone) a good turn to do something helpful for someone. He did me several good turns. 對某人做了一件好事 对某人做了一件好事in turn, by turns one after another, in regular order. They answered the teacher's questions in turn. 依次(輪流) 依次(轮流) out of turn out of the correct order. 沒有按照順序 没有按照顺序speak out of turn1. to speak without permission in class etc. 魯莽的在課堂上講話 鲁莽的在课堂上讲话2. to say something when it is not your place to say it or something you should not have said. 魯莽的插話 鲁莽的插话take a turn for the better/worse (of things or people) to become better or worse. His fortunes have taken a turn for the better; Her health has taken a turn for the worse. 轉好,轉壞 转好,转坏 take turns (of two or more people) to do something one after the other, not at the same time. They took turns to look after the baby. 依次 依次turn a blind eye to pretend not to see or notice (something). Because he works so hard, his boss turns a blind eye when he comes in late. 假裝沒看見,視而不見 假装没看见,视而不见 turn against to become dissatisfied with or hostile to (people or things that one previously liked etc). He turned against his friends. 變成和...敵對 变成和...敌对turn away to move or send away. He turned away in disgust; The police turned away the crowds. 轉身離去,驅離(群眾等) 背过脸去,驱逐(散) turn back to (cause to) go back in the opposite direction. He got tired and turned back; The travellers were turned back at the frontier. 折回 折回turn down1. to say `no' to; to refuse. He turned down her offer/request. 拒絕 拒绝2. to reduce (the level of light, noise etc) produced by (something). Please turn down (the volume on) the radio – it's far too loud! 關小,調低 关小,调低 turn in to hand over (a person or thing) to people in authority. They turned the escaped prisoner in to the police. 上繳 上缴turn loose to set free. He turned the horse loose in the field. 釋放 释放turn off1. to cause (water, electricity etc) to stop flowing. I've turned off the water / the electricity. 關上(水龍頭、開關) 关上(水龙头、开关) 2. to turn (a tap, switch etc) so that something stops. I turned off the tap. 關上 关上3. to cause (something) to stop working by switching it off. He turned off the light / the oven. 把(燈)關掉 把(灯)关掉 turn on1. to make water, elekctric current etc flow. He turned on the water / the gas. 開(通)(水、電) 开(通)(水、电) 2. to turn (a tap, switch etc) so that something works. I turned on the tap. 開(通) 开(通) 3. to cause (something) to work by switching it on. He turned on the radio. 打開使...工作 打开使...工作4. to attack. The dog turned on him. 攻擊,撲 攻击,扑 turn out1. to send away; to make (someone) leave. 趕出 赶出2. to make or produce. The factory turns out ten finished articles an hour. 生產 生产3. to empty or clear. I turned out the cupboard. 打掃,清除 打扫,清除 4. (of a crowd) to come out; to get together for a (public) meeting, celebration etc. A large crowd turned out to see the procession. 集合 集合5. to turn off. Turn out the light! 關、熄(燈等) 关、熄(灯等) 6. to happen or prove to be. He turned out to be right; It turned out that he was right. 證明(是),結果(是) 证明(是),结果(是) turn over to give (something) up (to). He turned the money over to the police. 交給 交给turn up1. to appear or arrive. He turned up at our house. 出現,到達 出现,到达 2. to be found. Don't worry – it'll turn up again. 被找到 被找到3. to increase (the level of noise, light etc) produced by (something). Turn up (the volume on) the radio. 開大(收音機音量等) 开大(收音机音量等)

turn off


turn off

turn off

1. verb To disable, disconnect, or stop the function of something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "turn" and "off." I forgot to turn off my laptop, and now the battery is dead. Please turn the water off when you're done brushing your teeth.2. verb To steer a vehicle or walk off of a particular path or route. You're going to turn off at the next exit. We turned off the main path and started hiking around the edge of the lake.3. verb To cause someone to dislike, become averse to, or lose interest in something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "turn" and "off." Sometimes followed by "to (something)." I thought the subject would be interesting, but the professor's boring lectures really turned me off. I know that the accident really turned Janet off to driving on the highway.4. verb To cause someone to lose sexual interest or excitement. A noun or pronoun can be used between "turn" and "off." Nothing turns me off like someone who is arrogant. I think he was turned off by her many tattoos. Sorry, knowing your roommates are home kind of turns me off.5. noun Something that causes someone to lose sexual interest or excitement. As a noun, the phrase is usually hyphenated. It's a big turn-off when a guy just talks about himself.See also: off, turn

turn someone off

to dull someone's interest in someone or something. The boring prof turned me off to the subject. The preacher set out to turn off the congregation to sin.See also: off, turn

turn something off

to switch something off so that it stops running or operating. Please turn the light off. Turn off the lights as you leave.See also: off, turn

turn off (something) (some place)

to walk or steer one's vehicle off a route at a particular place. Turn off the highway at the first exit after the city. Let's turn off here. We turned off the path just past the big oak tree.See also: off, turn

turn off something

to walk or turn a vehicle one way or another so that one leaves the road or route to another. You are supposed to turn off the highway at the yellow mailbox.See also: off, turn

turn off

(something) onto something to walk or steer one's vehicle from one route to another. I turned off the main highway onto a side road. Ann turned off onto the shoulder.See also: off, turn

turn off

[for something] to go off; to switch off. All the lights turn off automatically.See also: off, turn

turned off

uninterested. I'm sort of turned off to stuff like that these days. Part of getting older, I guess. I can't pay attention if I'm turned off, now can I?See also: off, turn

turn off

1. Stop the operation, activity, or flow of; shut off, as in Turn off the lights when you leave. [Mid-1800s] 2. Affect with dislike, revulsion, or boredom; cause to lose interest. For example, That vulgar comedian turned us off completely, or The movie was all right for an hour or so, but then I was turned off. [Slang; mid-1900s] See also: off, turn

turn off

v.1. To leave some course or direction: Turn off at the next exit.2. To stop the operation, activity, or flow of something: She turned off the television. He turned the radio off.3. Slang To affect someone with dislike, displeasure, or revulsion: That song really turns me off. The editorial turned off many readers.4. Slang To affect someone with boredom: The boring lecture turned off the class. The movie turned the audience off.5. Slang turn off to To lose interest in something: My family turned off to boating once we started swimming more.6. Slang turn off to To cause someone to lose interest in something: Breaking my leg turned me off to skiing. I looked forward to going to the beach, but after seeing all the drunk college students there, I got really turned off.7. Slang To cease paying attention: Whenever you don't like what I say, you just turn off.8. Slang To cause someone to lose sexual interest: Pickup lines turn me off. His rude behavior turned off everyone he tried to pick up.See also: off, turn

turned off

mod. uninterested. I’m sort of turned off to stuff like that these days. Part of getting older, I guess. See also: off, turn


n. something that repels someone. The movie was a turn-off. I couldn’t stand it.

turn off

  • verb

Synonyms for turn off

verb cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch


  • switch off
  • turn out
  • cut

Related Words

  • kill
  • flip
  • switch
  • throw

verb make a turn

Related Words

  • turn

verb cause to feel intense dislike or distaste


  • put off

Related Words

  • repel
  • repulse




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