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DictionarySeeileitisterminal ileitis
ileitis [il″e-i´tis] inflammation of the ileum; it may result from infection, obstruction, severe irritation, or faulty absorption of material through the intestinal walls. See also crohn's disease. The advanced stage is marked by hardening, thickening, and ulceration of parts of the bowel lining. An obstruction may cause the development of a fistula. A common symptom of ileitis is pain in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen or around the umbilicus. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, loss of weight, anemia, and diarrhea, which may alternate with periods of constipation. Treatment may require medication to remove any source of infection, special diet, or surgery if there is obstruction.distal ileitis Crohn's disease.regional ileitis (terminal ileitis) Crohn's disease.terminal ileitis Crohn's disease, see there. FinancialSeeterminal |