Trial of the 17

Trial of the 17


a trial involving members of the People’s Will, held in the Special Session of the Senate in St. Petersburg from Mar. 28 (Apr. 9) to Apr. 5 (17), 1883. The defendants included M. F. Grachevskii, Iu. N. Bogdanovich, A. P. Pribyleva-Korba, Ia. V. Stefanovich, and P. A. Tellalov. The main charge was complicity in the terrorist acts of the People’s Will, including four attempts on the life of the tsar. All the accused conducted themselves heroically.

Seven persons were sentenced to hard labor for life, seven others to eight to 20 years’ hard labor, and three to exile in Siberia.


“Protsess 17 narodovol’tsev ν 1883 g.” Byloe, 1906, no. 10.
Pribylev, A. V. Protsess 17 narodovol’tsev 1883 g. Moscow, 1927.
Troitskii, N. A. “Narodnaia volia”pered tsarskim sudom, 1880–1891 gg. [Saratov] 1971.