papilla of dermis

papilla of dermis

[TA] the superficial projections of the dermis (corium) that interdigitate with recesses in the overlying epidermis; they contain vascular loops and specialized nerve endings and are arranged in ridgelike lines best developed in the hand and foot. Synonym(s): papillae dermis [TA], papillae corii ☆ , papillae of corium ☆ , dermal papillae

pa·pil·la of der·mis

(pă-pil'ă dĕr'mis) [TA] The superficial projections of the dermis (corium) that interdigitate with recesses in the overlying epidermis; they contain vascular loops and specialized nerve endings, and are arranged in ridgelike lines best developed in the hand and foot.
Synonym(s): dermal papillae.