
Papilloedema with swelling of the optic nerve head, caused by increased intracranial pressure with oedema-induced blurring of the disk margins and obliteration of the optic cup, elevation of the nerve head, capillary congestion, hyperemia, venous engorgement, loss of venous pulse, peripapillary exudates, retinal wrinkling, and punctate nerve fiber layer hemorrhage; if pressure is reduced, fundus returns to normal without loss of vision; increased intracranial pressure is due to meningoencephalitis, hemorrhage, metabolic disease, toxins, trauma, or tumours


(pap'il-ĕ-dē'mă) Edema of the optic disc, due to increased intracranial pressure.
Synonym(s): choked disc, papilloedema.


Swelling and protrusion of the OPTIC DISC at the back of the inside of the eye. This is visible by means of an OPHTHALMOSCOPE and is an important indication of a rise in the pressure within the skull. Raised pressure is transmitted along the sheaths of the optic nerves. Papilloedema is always serious and may indicate a brain tumour or other major disorder. Early observation of papilloedema may be life-saving.


A non-inflammatory oedema of the optic nerve head produced by raised intracranial pressure, and due most commonly to a cerebral tumour. It can also result from cerebral abscesses, meningitis, encephalitis, subarachnoid haemorrhages, head injury, hydrocephalus, etc. The optic disc appears raised above the level of the retina and its margins are blurred, the central vessels on the surface of the disc are displaced forward, the retinal veins are dilated and there is nearly always a loss of induced venous pulsation. The swollen disc displaces the retina and this causes an enlargement of the blind spot on visual field measurement. In the early stages visual acuity is not affected (unlike in papillitis), although if the condition persists there will be some loss. In advanced stages, there may be haemorrhages around the disc, secondary optic atrophy, exudates, as well as headaches and vomiting. The condition is usually bilateral. Note: also spelt papilledema. Syn. choked disc. See optic atrophy; optic neuritis; pseudopapilloedema; Foster Kennedy syndrome.
Table P1 Differential diagnosis between papilloedema and papillitis
disc elevationraisedslightly raised
disc hyperaemiapresentpresent
disc marginsblurredblurred
retinal veinscongestedcongested
haemorrhagesnear discsome in late stage
pupil light reflexnormalimpaired
venous pulsationabsentpresent
secondary optic atrophypresent in late stagemay appear in late stage
visual acuitynormal, except in late stagereduced
visual fieldenlarged blind spotcentral scotoma
colour visionnormalimpaired
painabsentpresent on moving the eyes


(pap'il-ĕ-dē'mă) Edema of the optic disc.
Synonym(s): choked disc, papilloedema.
[papilla + edema]