railroad track scar

Cosmetic surgery A scar with obvious cross-hatched stitch marks due to poor repair, excess tension on the skin or a delay in suture removal, which should be ideally removed on the 3rd–5th days—except when the sutures overlie highly mobile sites; some body regions—e.g., trunk, sternum and proximal extremities—are more susceptible to cross-hatching
Gastroenterology A descriptor for the macroscopic changes seen in the late fibrosing stages of Crohn’s disease in which longitudinal mucosal lesions heal in parallel tracks, perpendicular to the length of the colonic lumen

railroad track scar

Plastic surgery A scar with cross-hatched stitch marks due to poor repair, excess tension on the skin or to a delay in suture removal, which should be ideally removed on the 3rd–5th days–except when the sutures overlie highly mobile sites; some body regions–eg, trunk, sternum and proximal extremities are more susceptible to cross-hatching