subcostal plane

sub·cos·tal plane

[TA] a transverse plane passing through the inferior limits of the costal margin, that is, the tenth costal cartilages; it marks the boundary between the hypochondriac and epigastric regions superiorly and the lateral and umbilical regions inferiorly. Synonym(s): planum subcostale [TA], infracostal line

sub·cos·tal plane

(sŭb-kos'tăl plān) [TA] A horizontal plane passing through the inferior limits of the costal margin (i.e., the tenth costal cartilages); it marks the boundary between the hypochondriac and epigastric regions superiorly and the lateral and umbilical regions inferiorly.

subcostal plane

A horizontal plane passing through the lowest points of the 10th costal cartilages. It lies approx. at the level of the third lumbar vertebra. See also: plane