Three Rivers State Park
Three Rivers State Park
Location:On SR 271 (River Road), 2 miles north of Sneads.
Facilities:Campground with 30 full-facility campsites and a log cabin (for rent),youth/group camp, picnic area with 3 pavilions, playground, boat rampscanoe rentals, hiking trails.
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, fishing, bicycling, hiking, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:Where Florida meets the southwest corner of Georgia, the Chattahocheeand Flint rivers converge to form Lake Seminole, which provides thesetting for this park. The hilly terrain is covered by hardwood hammockand pine forests that make an excellent home for white-tailed deer, foxsquirrels, gray foxes, and abundant bird life. Because the park is onthe northern border of the state, rare plant species not found in otherparts of the state grow here.
Address:7908 Three Rivers Park Rd
Sneads, FL 32460
Size: 610.5 acres land; 57.5 acres water.
See other parks in Florida.