Seessel pocket

Sees·sel pock·et

(sē'sĕl), the part of the embryonic foregut extending cephalad to the level of the oral plate and caudal to the adenohypophysial diverticulum. Synonym(s): preoral gut

Sees·sel pocket

(sē'sel pok'ĕt) The part of the embryonic foregut extending cephalad to the level of the buccopharyngeal membrane (oral plate) and caudal to the adenohypophysial diverticulum (Rathke pouch).


Albert, U.S. embryologist, 1850-1910. Seessel pocket - the part of the embryonic foregut extending cephalad to the level of the oral plate and caudal to the pituitary diverticulum. Synonym(s): preoral gutSeessel pouch