Sleepy Hollow State Park
Sleepy Hollow State Park
Location:In Clinton County, 15 miles northeast of Lansing off US 27.
Facilities:181 modern campsites, youth group campground, picnic areas, picnicshelters (é), playground, hiking/biking trails (16 miles), equestriantrails (6 miles), beach house (é), 2 fishing piers (é), boatlaunches (é), concession/store.
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, fishing, swimming, hiking, mountain biking,horseback riding, hunting, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing,snowmobiling, bird watching, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park features Lake Ovid, a 410-acre manmade lake, and Little MapleRiver. More than 228 species of birds have been recorded in SleepyHollow, including the rarely recorded Bonaparte's Gull or Bald Eagle.
Address:7835 E Price Rd
Laingsburg, MI 48848
Size: 2,678 acres.
See other parks in Michigan.