

单词 para-



(word root) close, besideExamples of words with the root para-: parallel, paradox, parapsychology

para- 1

or par-pref.1. Beside; near; alongside: parathyroid.2. Beyond: paranormal.3. Incorrect; abnormal: paresthesia.4. Similar to; resembling: paratyphoid fever.5. Subsidiary; assistant: paraprofessional.6. Isomeric; polymeric: paraldehyde.7. Of or relating to one of three possible isomers of a benzene ring with two attached chemical groups in which the carbon atoms with attached groups are separated by two unsubstituted carbon atoms: para-aminobenzoic acid.
[Greek, from para, beside; see per in Indo-European roots.]

para- 2

pref. Parachute; parachutist: paratroops.
[From parachute.]


or before a vowel


prefix1. beside; near: parameter; parathyroid. 2. beyond: parapsychology. 3. resembling: paramnesia. 4. defective; abnormal: paraesthesia. 5. subsidiary to: paraphysis. 6. (Chemistry) (usually in italics) denoting that an organic compound contains a benzene ring with substituents attached to atoms that are directly opposite across the ring (the 1,4- positions): paradinitrobenzene; para-cresol. Abbreviation: p- Compare ortho-4, meta-47. (Chemistry) denoting an isomer, polymer, or compound related to a specified compound: paraldehyde; paracasein. 8. (Chemistry) denoting the form of a diatomic substance in which the spins of the two constituent atoms are antiparallel: parahydrogen. Compare ortho-6[from Greek para (prep) alongside, beyond]


combining form indicating an object that acts as a protection against something: parachute; parasol. [via French from Italian para-, from parare to defend, shield against, ultimately from Latin parāre to prepare]


(pɑˈrɑ, ˈpɑr ɑ)

n., pl. -ras, -ra. a monetary unit of Yugoslavia, equal to 1/100 of a dinar. [1680–90; < Turkish < Persian pāra literally, piece]


(ˈpær ə)

adj. pertaining to or occupying two positions (1, 4) in the benzene ring that are separated by two carbon atoms. Abbr.: p- Compare ortho, meta.


(ˈpær ə)

n., pl. par•as. Informal. 1. paraprofessional. 2. paratrooper.


(ˈpær ə)

n., pl. par•as, par•ae (ˈpær i) 1. Also called parity. a woman's status regarding the bearing of offspring: usu. followed by a numeral designating the number of times the woman has given birth. 2. the woman herself. Compare gravida. [1880–85; extracted from primipara, multipara, etc.]



n. 1. a state in N Brazil. 5,522,783; 481,869 sq. mi. (1,248,042 sq. km). Cap.: Belém. 2. a river in N Brazil: the S estuary of the Amazon. 200 mi. (320 km) long. 3. Pará rubber.


, 1. a prefix appearing in loanwords from Greek, with the meanings “at or to one side of, beside, side by side” (parabola; paragraph), “beyond, past, by” (paradox); by extension designating objects or activities auxiliary to or derivative of that denoted by the base word (parody; paronomasia), and hence abnormal or defective (paranoia). As an English prefix, para-1 is also productive in the naming of occupational roles considered ancillary or subsidiary to roles requiring more training, or of a higher status: paralegal; paraprofessional. 2. a combining form used in the names of benzene derivatives in which the substituting group occupies the para position in the benzene ring. Abbr.: p- Also, esp. before a vowel, par-.[< Greek para-, comb. form representing pará (preposition) beside, alongside of, by, beyond]


, a combining form meaning “guard against”: parachute; parasol.[< French < Italian para, 3d singular present of parare to prepare against, ward off < Latin parāre to prepare]


, a combining form extracted from parachute, forming compounds denoting persons or things utilizing parachutes or landed by parachute: paratrooper.





[′par·ə] (organic chemistry) Chemical prefix designating the positions of substituting radicals on the opposite ends of a benzene nucleus, for example, paraxylene, CH3C6H4CH3. Abbreviated p-.



Do not confuse this prefix with pari- or peri-.1. Prefix denoting a departure from the normal. 2. Prefix denoting involvement of two like parts or a pair. 3. Prefix denoting adjacent, alongside, near. 4. In chemistry, an italicized prefix denoting two substitutions in the benzene ring arranged symmetrically, that is, linked to opposite carbon atoms in the ring. For words beginning with para- or p-, see the specific name. [G. alongside, near]


1. Prefix denoting a departure from the normal. 2. Prefix denoting involvement of two like parts or a pair. 3. Prefix denoting adjacent, beside, near. 4. chemistry An italicized prefix denoting two substitutions in the benzene ring arranged symmetrically, i.e., linked to opposite carbon atoms in the ring.[G. alongside, near]


Prefix denoting alongside, beyond, apart from, resembling or disordered.


prefix denoting near to or surrounding.


Do not confuse this prefix with pari- or peri-. 1. Prefix denoting a departure from the normal. 2. Prefix denoting involvement of two like parts or a pair. 3. Prefix denoting adjacent, alongside, near. [G. alongside, near]


PARA-Near, Beyond, Apart (Prefix)




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