Upper Ouachita National Wildlife Refuge

Upper Ouachita National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:c/o D'Arbonne NWR
11372 Hwy 143
Farmerville, LA 71363

Web: www.fws.gov/upperouachita
Established: 1978.
Location:6 miles north of West Monroe, Louisiana.
Facilities:Visitor contact station, trails, boat ramps.
Activities:Boating, canoeing, fishing, hunting, hiking, educational programs.
Special Features:The site's central physical feature is the Ouachita River, which bisects the refuge and features a wide floodplain characterized by alluvial soils. The refuge provides excellent wintering habitat for tens of thousands of ducks and geese.
Habitats: More than 40,000 acres of bottomland hardwood forest, upland forest, shrub and wooded swamp, reforested farmland, and open water.
Access: Year round, although 80% of the refuge is subject to annual flooding from December through May.
Wild life: Concentrations of ducks, geese, wading birds, raptors, and a small wintering population of bald eagles.

See other parks in Louisiana.