释义 |
paracenesthesia paracenesthesia [par″ah-sen″es-the´zhah] any disturbance of the general sense of well-being.par·a·ce·nes·the·si·a (par'ă-sē'nes-thē'zē-ă), Deterioration in one's sense of bodily well-being, that is, of the normal functioning of one's organs. [para- + G. koinos, common, + aisthēsis, feeling] par·a·ce·nes·the·si·a (par'ă-sē'nes-thē'zē-ă) Deterioration in one's sense of bodily well-being (i.e., of the normal functioning of one's organs). Synonym(s): paracenaesthesia. [para- + G. koinos, common, + aisthēsis, feeling] |