postperfusion syndrome

post·per·fu·sion syn·drome

organ dysfunction observed in patients after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery.

postperfusion syndrome

A condition seen in 2% of Pts who undergo cardiac surgery, 3-7 wks after cardiopulmonary bypass, resembles infectious mononucleosis or hepatitis, and is attributed to viruses transfused with.
the blood during surgery Clinical Fever, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, maculopapular rash, anemia, atypical lymphocytes Prognosis Benign; resolves spontaneously without therapy. See Post-perfusion lung. Cf Post-resuscitation syndrome.

post·per·fu·sion syn·drome

(pōst-pĕr-fyūzhŭn sindrōm) Organ dysfunction observed in patients after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery.