tactile discrimination


(dis-krim?i-na'shon) [L. discriminatio, a contrast] 1. The process of distinguishing or differentiating.2. Unequal and unfair treatment or denial of rights or privileges without reasonable cause. Federal statutes prohibit discrimination based on age, sex, sexual preference, religion, race, national origin, and disability. 3. The accuracy with which risk factors separate a population into the healthy and the sick.

figure-ground discrimination

The ability to see the outline of an object as distinct from visually competing background stimuli. This ability is often impaired following central nervous system damage.

genetic discrimination

Unequal treatment of persons with either known genetic abnormalities or the inherited propensity for disease. Genetic discrimination may have a negative effect on employability, insurability, and other socioeconomic variables.

one-point discrimination

The ability to locate specifically a point of pressure on the surface of the skin.

spatial discrimination

The ability to perceive as separate points of contact the two blunt points of a compass when applied to the skin.

speech discrimination

The ability to recognize a spoken word if it is uttered loudly enough for the hearer to detect it as a sound.

tactile discrimination

Two-point discrimination.

tonal discrimination

The ability to distinguish one tone from another. This is dependent on the integrity of the transverse fibers of the basilar membrane of the organ of Corti.

two-point discrimination

The ability to localize two points of pressure on the surface of the skin and to identify them as discrete sensations. Synonym: tactile discrimination See: two-point discrimination test

tac·tile dis·crim·i·na·tion

(taktil dis-krimi-nāshŭn) Clinicians' ability to distinguish relative degrees of roughness and smoothness, for example, on a tooth surface, using an instrument such as an explorer or a periodontal probe.