Tadeusz Holuj
Holuj, Tadeusz
Born Nov. 23, 1916, in Kraków. Polish writer.
Holuj’s first collections of verse were published in the 1930’s. From 1942 to 1945 he was in the fascist concentration camp at Oswiecim (Auschwitz). His prison experiences are portrayed in the collection Poems From Camp (1946), in the play House Near Auschwitz (1948), and in the novel The End of Our World (1962). In his historical epic about the national liberation movement in Poland from the 1820’s to the 1840’s, Kingdom Without Land (vols. 1–4, 1954–56; revised edition, 1960), he attempted to show the historical process from a Marxist position. In the 1950’s and 1960’s he wrote novellas and short stories. Holuj received the State Prize of the Polish People’s Republic in 1966.
Opowiadania wybrane, 2nd ed. Kraków, 1970.In Russian translation:
Derevo daet plody. Moscow, 1966.
Gorskii, I. K. Pol’skii istoricheskii roman i problema istorizma. Moscow, 1963. Pages 247–56.V. A. KHOREV