

单词 subdued



S0838300 (səb-do͞o′, -dyo͞o′)tr.v. sub·dued, sub·du·ing, sub·dues 1. To subjugate (a region or people, for example) by military force.2. a. To bring under control by physical force, persuasion, or other means; overcome: subdued the wild horse; subdued the rebellion in the party ranks.b. To make less intense or prominent; reduce or tone down: I was unable to subdue my excitement about the upcoming holiday.3. To bring (land) under cultivation: Farmers subdued the arid lands of Australia.
[Middle English subduen, alteration (influenced by Latin subdere, to subject) of Old French suduire, to seduce, from Latin subdūcere, to withdraw (probably influenced by Latin sēdūcere, to seduce) : sub-, away; see sub- + dūcere, to lead; see deuk- in Indo-European roots.]
sub·du′a·ble adj.sub·du′er n.


(səbˈdjuːd) adj1. cowed, passive, or shy2. gentle or quiet: a subdued whisper. 3. (of colours, etc) not harsh or bright: subdued lighting. subˈduedly adv subˈduedness n


(səbˈdud, -ˈdyud)

adj. 1. quiet; repressed; controlled. 2. reduced in fullness of tone, as a color or sound; muted. [1595–1605] sub•dued′ly, adv. sub•dued′ness, n.
Adj.1.subdued - in a softened tone; "hushed voices"; "muted trumpets"; "a subdued whisper"; "a quiet reprimand"hushed, muted, quietsoft - (of sound) relatively low in volume; "soft voices"; "soft music"
2.subdued - restrained in style or qualitysubdued - restrained in style or quality; "a little masterpiece of low-keyed eloquence"low-key, low-keyedrestrained - under restraint
3.subdued - quieted and brought under control; "children were subdued and silent"tame - very restrained or quiet; "a tame Christmas party"; "she was one of the tamest and most abject creatures imaginable with no will or power to act but as directed"
4.subdued - not brilliant or glaring; "the moon cast soft shadows"; "soft pastel colors"; "subdued lighting"softdull - emitting or reflecting very little light; "a dull glow"; "dull silver badly in need of a polish"; "a dull sky"
5.subdued - lacking in light; not bright or harsh; "a dim light beside the bed"; "subdued lights and soft music"dimdark - devoid of or deficient in light or brightness; shadowed or black; "sitting in a dark corner"; "a dark day"; "dark shadows"; "dark as the inside of a black cat"


adjective1. quiet, serious, sober, sad, grave, restrained, repressed, solemn, chastened, dejected, downcast, crestfallen, repentant, down in the mouth, sadder and wiser, out of spirits He faced the press, initially, in a somewhat subdued mood.
quiet happy, lively, cheerful, enthusiastic, vivacious, full of beans (informal)
2. hushed, soft, quiet, whispered, murmured, muted, muffled, inaudible, indistinct The conversation around them was resumed, but in subdued tones.
hushed loud, strident
3. dim, soft, subtle, muted, shaded, low-key, understated, toned down, unobtrusive The lighting was subdued.
dim bright


adjective1. Not irritating, strident, or loud:hushed, low, low-key, low-keyed, quiet, small, soft, whispery.2. Not showy or obtrusive:inobtrusive, quiet, restrained, tasteful, unobtrusive.


(səbˈdjuː) verb to conquer, overcome or bring under control. After months of fighting the rebels were subdued. 征服 征服subˈdued adjective quiet; not bright or lively. subdued voices; He seems subdued today. 柔和的,溫順的 柔和的,温顺的


  • adj

Synonyms for subdued

adj quiet


  • quiet
  • serious
  • sober
  • sad
  • grave
  • restrained
  • repressed
  • solemn
  • chastened
  • dejected
  • downcast
  • crestfallen
  • repentant
  • down in the mouth
  • sadder and wiser
  • out of spirits


  • happy
  • lively
  • cheerful
  • enthusiastic
  • vivacious
  • full of beans

adj hushed


  • hushed
  • soft
  • quiet
  • whispered
  • murmured
  • muted
  • muffled
  • inaudible
  • indistinct


  • loud
  • strident

adj dim


  • dim
  • soft
  • subtle
  • muted
  • shaded
  • low-key
  • understated
  • toned down
  • unobtrusive


  • bright

Synonyms for subdued

adj not irritating, strident, or loud


  • hushed
  • low
  • low-key
  • low-keyed
  • quiet
  • small
  • soft
  • whispery

adj not showy or obtrusive


  • inobtrusive
  • quiet
  • restrained
  • tasteful
  • unobtrusive

Synonyms for subdued

adj in a softened tone


  • hushed
  • muted
  • quiet

Related Words

  • soft

adj restrained in style or quality


  • low-key
  • low-keyed

Related Words

  • restrained

adj quieted and brought under control

Related Words

  • tame

adj not brilliant or glaring


  • soft

Related Words

  • dull

adj lacking in light


  • dim

Related Words

  • dark




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