Roentgen Diagnosis
Roentgen Diagnosis
the diagnosis of a human or animal disease or injury based on the results of a roentgenologic examination. Some organs, for example, the bones, lungs, and heart, are readily seen on roentgenographic photographs and on roentgenoscopic fluorescent screens because different tissues have different X-ray absorption coefficients. Other organs can be examined only after the injection of an X-ray contrast medium. In medical practice roentgenologic data is necessary to determine the site, extent, and nature of anatomical changes, to study the functioning of organs, and to observe the development of a disease, as well as the complications and outcome of a disease. Roentgen diagnosis entails a radiation load, and steps are taken in radiation shielding.
Modern clinical diagnosis is based on a comprehensive examination using a variety of methods. Therefore, the correct procedure for roentgen diagnosis includes a preliminary familiarization with the individual’s complaints and symptoms. Data obtained by roentgenologic and other diagnostic methods is compared, as well as the results of previous roentgenologic examinations. Roentgenologic conclusions are verified by observing further both the patient and the effect of therapy.
Metodika i tekhnika rentgenologicheskogo issledovaniia. Edited by I. G. Lagunova. Moscow, 1969.Lindenbraten, L. D. “Etapy diagnosticheskogo analiza rentgenogramm (Na puti k teorii rentgenologicheskogo raspoznavaniia).” Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii, 1972, no. 2.
Poppe, H. Technik der Röntgendiagnostik. Stuttgart, 1961.