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subdural hemorrhage
subdural hemorrhage[səb′du̇r·əl ′hem·rij] (medicine) Bleeding between the dura mater and the arachnoid. subdural hemorrhage
sub·du·ral hem·or·rhageextravasation of blood between the dural and arachnoidal membranes; acute and chronic forms occur; chronic hematomas may become encapsulated by neomembranes. Synonym(s): subdural hematomasub·dur·al hem·or·rhage (sŭb-dūr'ăl hem'ŏr-ăj) Extravasation of blood between the dural and arachnoidal membranes; acute and chronic forms occur; chronic hematomas may become encapsulated by neomembranes. Synonym(s): subdural hematoma. sub·du·ral he·ma·to·ma (sŭb-dūr'ăl hē'mă-tō'mă) Extravasation of blood between dural and arachnoidal membranes; acute and chronic forms occur; chronic hematomas may become encapsulated by neomembranes. Synonym(s): subdural hemorrhage. |