posttraumatic osteoporosis

Su·deck at·ro·phy

(sū'dek), atrophy of bones, commonly of the carpal or tarsal bones, following a slight injury such as a sprain.
See also: complex regional pain syndrome type I.
Synonym(s): acute reflex bone atrophy, posttraumatic osteoporosis, Sudeck syndrome


Paul Hermann Martin, German surgeon, 1866-1938. Sudeck atrophy - atrophy of bones, commonly of the carpal or tarsal bones, following a slight injury such as a sprain. Synonym(s): acute reflex bone atrophy; posttraumatic osteoporosis; Sudeck syndromeSudeck critical point - region in the colon between the supply of the sigmoid arteries and that of the superior rectal artery.Sudeck diseaseSudeck syndrome - Synonym(s): Sudeck atrophy