Sehdi Osman

Şehdi Osman


Dates of birth and death unknown. Turkish state figure of the mid-18th century.

In 1758, Şehdi Osman headed a Turkish embassy to St. Petersburg. His account of the journey included information on such Russian cities as St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Kronstadt, and Tula.


Unat, F. R. “XVIII asir Osmanli tarihi vesikalarindan: Şedhi Osman
efendi Sefaretnamesi.” Tarih vesikalari, 1941–42, vol. 1, nos. 1–5.
In Russian translation:
Vostochnye istochniki po istorii narodov lugo-Vostochnoi i Tsentral’noi Evropy, vol. 2. Moscow, 1969.