Vladivostok Seaport
Vladivostok Seaport
a major Soviet commercial port on the Pacific Ocean, in Zolotoi Rog Bay and on the eastern shore of Amur Bay. A junction of sea and land transportation routes. It was founded in 1862.
Vladivostok seaport’s importance is due to its geographical location, great depth, widely ramified transportation network (including foreign countries), year-round accessibility to ships, year-round port facilities, and good natural protection against waves. Regular ocean transportation from Vladivostok seaport to Nikolaevsk-na-Amure, areas of Primor’e Krai, and to Japan and China began between 1880 and 1890; the major port installations (stone piers, highways, and warehouses) were built between 1895 and 1899. In 1897 a railroad was built between Vladivostok seaport and Khabarovsk. Under Soviet power Vladivostok seaport be-came one of the most mechanized ports. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 the port continuously received ocean vessels with a variety of cargoes. In the periods 1942—45 and 1957-66 large-scale work was carried out in the seaport on the installation of deep-water moorings and on new freight warehouses, transshipment equipment, and electric power supply.
Vladivostok seaport ships industrial and food articles, lumber, coal, salt, and other freight to the population and enterprises of Sakhalin, the northeastern regions of Khabarov Krai, Kamchatka Oblast, the Chukchi National Okrug, and the Yakut ASSR and receives a variety of freight from these areas. The port plays a considerable role in inter-national trade relations. Vladivostok seaport ships and receives export and import goods of the USSR and many countries of the world that are located around and trade in the Pacific and Indian oceans; it is the terminus of freight and passenger ocean lines to Sakhalin and the shores of the Okhotsk and Bering seas. It has a large marine terminal. Vladivostok seaport is a major base of Far Eastern ocean shipping and has, among other things, warehouses for supplying the fleet and sanitation and quarantine buildings. Part of the port installations and the refrigeration plant belong to the fishing port, which transships fresh and processed fish products.