raise the ante

raise the ante

To increase the level of something, often one related to money. I'm going to raise the ante and threaten them a little so that they finally pay up. Sellers have raised the ante in this area so much that first-time buyers can no longer afford it.See also: ante, raise

raise the ante

Increase the price or cost of something, as in We'd hoped to invest in some land, but they've raised the ante and now we can't afford it . This term alludes to the ante or stakes of gambling. [Slang; late 1800s] See also: ante, raise

raise/up the ˈante

increase the level of something, especially demands or sums of money: His ex-wife has upped the ante in her alimony suit against him.The ante is the amount of money that players bet in a card game such as poker.See also: ante, raise, up

raise the ante, to

Also, to up the ante. To increase the price or cost of something in order to achieve a better result. Dating from the late 1800s, the term alludes to the stakes of gambling, where the ante means the stake each player must put into the pool. It has long been used figuratively, as in “They are raising the ante in what it takes to become a certified analyst.”See also: raise