Potain sign

Po·tain sign

(pō-tăn[h]'), in dilation of the aorta, dullness on percussion extending from the manubrium sterni toward the second intercostal space and the third costal cartilage on the right, the upper limit extending from the base of the sternum in the segment of a circle to the right.

Po·tain sign

(pō-tan[h]' sīn) In dilation of the aorta, dullness on percussion extending from the manubrium of the sternum toward the second intercostal space and the third costal cartilage on the right, the upper limit extending from the base of the sternum in the segment of a circle to the right.

Potain sign

In dilatation of the aorta, dullness on percussion over the area extending from the body of the sternum toward the third costal cartilage on the right, and to the base of the sternum.See also: Potain, Pierre Charles Édouard


Pierre C.E., French physician, 1825-1901. Potain sign - in dilation of the aorta, dullness on percussion.