Potapov, Leonid Pavlovich

Potapov, Leonid Pavlovich


Born June 23 (July 6), 1905, in Barnaul. Soviet ethnographer, historian and museologist. Doctor of historical sciences (1946) and professor (1951). Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1965). Member of the CPSU since 1946.

Potapov began working in the Institute of Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1943. His chief works deal with the history and ethnography of the Turkic-speaking peoples of Southern Siberia and Middle Asia. For his Essays on the History of the Altais (1948) he received the State Prize of the USSR (1951). Potapov was awarded two orders and several medals.


Ocherki istorii Oirotii. Novosibirsk, 1933.
Ocherki po istorii Shorii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1936.
Proiskhozhdenie i formirovanie khakasskoi narodnosti. Abakan, 1957.
Ocherki narodnogo byta tuvintsev. Moscow, 1969.
Etnicheskii sostav i proiskhozhdenie altaitsev. Leningrad, 1969.