Velpeau bandage

Vel·peau ban·dage

(vel-pō'), a bandage that serves to immobilize the arm to the chest wall, with the forearm positioned obliquely across and upward on front of chest.

Vel·peau ban·dage

(vel-pō' ban'dăj) A dressing that serves to immobilize an arm to the chest wall, with the forearm positioned obliquely across and upward on the front of the chest.

Velpeau bandage

A special immobilizing roller bandage that incorporates the shoulder, forearm, and arm.See also: Velpeau, Alfred


Alfred A.L.M., French surgeon, 1795-1867. Velpeau axillary lateral viewVelpeau axillary radiographVelpeau bandage - serves to immobilize arm to chest wall, with the forearm positioned obliquely across and upward on front of chest.Velpeau canal - passage through the layers of the lower abdominal wall that transmits the spermatic cord in the male and the round ligament in the female. Synonym(s): inguinal canalVelpeau castVelpeau deformityVelpeau dressingVelpeau fossa - a wedge-shaped space with its base toward the perineum. Synonym(s): ischiorectal fossaVelpeau hernia - femoral hernia in which the intestine is in front of the blood vessels.Velpeau shoulder immobilizerVelpeau slingVelpeau stockinetteVelpeau tendon transferVelpeau wrap