释义 |
DictionarySeevelumEncyclopediaSeevelsenvelum interpositum
velum [ve´lum] (L.) a covering structure; see also veil. adj., adj ve´lar.velum interpo´situm the membranous roof of the third ventricle of the brain.medullary velum either of the two portions (superior and inferior medullary velum) of the white matter of the hindbrain that form the roof of the fourth ventricle.palatine velum (velum palati´num) the soft palate; see palate" >palate.tela cho·roi'dea of third ven·tri·clea double fold of pia mater, enclosing subarachnoid trabeculae, between the fornix above and the epithelial roof of the third ventricle and the thalami below; at each lateral margin is a vascular fringe projecting into the choroidal fissure of the lateral ventricle; on its undersurface are several small vascular projections filling the folds of the ependymal roof of the third ventricle. Synonym(s): tela choroidea ventriculi tertii [TA], tela choroidea superior, triangular lamella, velum interpositum, velum triangularevelum interpositum (1) Superior medullary velum; velum medullare superius [NA6]. (2) Tela choroidea of third ventricle; tela choroidea ventriculi tertii [NA6]. |