subgingival curettage

sub·gin·gi·val cu·ret·tage

removal of subgingival calculus and of ulcerated epithelial and granulation tissues found in periodontal pockets. Synonym(s): apoxesis

sub·gin·gi·val cu·ret·tage

(sŭb-jin'ji-văl kyūr'ĕ-tahzh') Removal of subgingival calculus and ulcerated epithelial and granulation tissues found in periodontal pockets.

sub·gin·gi·val cu·ret·tage

(sŭb-jin'ji-văl kyūr'ĕ-tahzh') Removal of subgingival calculus and ulcerated epithelial and granulation tissues found in periodontal pockets.
Synonym(s): apoxesis.