Roginskii, Iakov Iakovlevich
Roginskii, Iakov Iakovlevich
Born May 9 (21), 1895, in Mogilev. Soviet anthropologist. Doctor of biological sciences (1949).
Roginskii became a professor in 1950 and head of the subde-partment of anthropology at Moscow University in 1964. His principal works deal with the variations in human morphological characteristics, the classification and origin of human races, the origin of modern man and man’s ancestors, and the relationship between the human constitution and character. Roginskii has been awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and various medals.
Teorii monotsentrizma i politsentrizma ν probleme proiskhozhdeniia sovremennogo cheloveka i ego ras. [Moscow] 1949.Problemy antropogeneza. Moscow, 1969.
“O formirovanii proportsii tela putem usileniia gradientov rosta (ν sviazi s problemoi antropogeneza).” Voprosy antropologii, 1960, issue 2.
Antropologiia, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1963. (With M. G. Levin.)